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The Point of Contact is where the seller's first impression of you is formed. This stage is critical because it sets the tone for the rest of the conversation. Your goal is to build trust, sound approachable, and initiate a productive dialogue. Unlike typical sales calls, this approach emphasizes relatability and listening over pushing for results.

By the end of this section, you'll learn:

  1. How to adopt a friendly, neighborly tone.
  2. What key opening phrases to use and why.
  3. How to actively listen and take effective notes.
  4. How to handle initial resistance or objections with grace.

Tone and Approach

Objective: Sound relatable, not salesy, and build rapport from the start.  

Key Points:

  • Be the Neighbor, Not the Salesperson:
    Use a warm, conversational tone as if you're speaking to someone you already know. Avoid corporate jargon or overly polished phrasing.
    Example: Instead of saying, "I'm here to offer a solution," try, "Hey, I wanted to check in about your property. My agent thought we’d be a good match."

  • Match Energy:
    Pay attention to the seller's tone and pace, and adjust yours to mirror theirs. This creates subconscious rapport.

  • Pauses Matter:
    After introducing yourself and your purpose, pause to let the seller respond. Silence invites dialogue and signals you're not rushing.

Active Listening

Objective: Focus on the seller’s responses to build rapport and gather critical information.


  • Take Notes Without Distracting:
    Jot down the seller's responses without interrupting the flow. Use shorthand to capture key details for follow-ups.
  • Empathetic Feedback:
    Acknowledge their concerns or comments with affirmations like, "I see," or, "That makes sense." This shows you’re engaged.
  • Strategic Repetition:
    Repeat their words back occasionally to show understanding and encourage them to elaborate further.


Objective: A script for you to not memorize, but refer to that will aid you in initiating calls.  

Potential Script:

  • Hi (Seller Name), this is (Your Name)!
    • (Pause, let the seller respond, sound like the neighbor next door, not a salesperson, come off like your already know each other)
  • I'm calling about your property on (PROPERTY ADDRESS) it was referred to me by my Agent.
  • Looks like they paired your property with us because they thought we would be a good fit for you. Did I catch you at a bad time? 
    • (Pull away / Let them answer)
  •  They mentioned here in the notes that you are wanting to sell your property?


  • The point of this call today (MR/MRS) is to see if your property qualifies in getting an OFFER As-Is.
  •  The properties we do put into our portfolio do one of two things.
    • Fix and Flip 
    • or  Buy and Hold for Rentals
  • I have my underwriter in the office right now if it’s a good time? 
    • (IF ITS NOT: End Call Right now.)

Overcoming Objections

Objective: Handle initial resistance calmly and maintain control of the conversation.  

Common Objections and Responses:

  • “I’m not interested in selling.”
    Response: "I completely understand. I work with a lot of homeowners who feel the same at first. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s holding you back right now?"
  • “I’ve gotten too many calls like this.”
    Response: "I hear you—these calls can be overwhelming. My approach is a bit different, though. I focus on seeing if we’re a fit instead of just pushing for a sale."
  • “Just give me an offer.”
    Response: "I’d love to do that. To make sure the offer is accurate and worth your time, can I ask a few quick questions about the property?"

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